CDS originates from the combination of three words that encapsulates our values
Cognitive Design Systems
Whether it is by means of machine learning algorithms or our extensive experience
in manufacturing, we aim to make the most out of knowledge.
Our mission is to incorporate the best of both insights in our platform.
CDS uses our proprietary artificial intelligence to generate and optimize design.
We sketch, form, plan, structure, conceptualize and create, to make abstract dreams into reality. At CDS, we believe that a creative mindset allows us to go beyond the traditional method and explore the unthinkable.
We are first and foremost a tech company and we aim to provide the best-in-class innovation and technological solutions to our clients through our platform. As an ensemble of interconnecting networks and mechanisms, a system, we always work better together.

Our Vision
We believe that the 20th century‘s idea of design for mass production is stifling the creativity of designers and engineers.
CDS has harnessed a solution to alleviate the limits set in place by the design process that is often time consuming.
We ensure that designers and engineers will focus on what matters the most: boundless creativity.
In a world increasingly automated by AI and new technologies, we leave the tedious process of figuring out optimal designs for manufacturing to our machines. Spend time on what is important and conceive innovative designs and ideas that are worthy of the 21st century.
Imagine all the possibilities that await, and make your concept a reality today.
The Team
Our Investors